Stakeholder Preference Elicitation

"Unveil genuine concerns and values through
effective stakeholder engagement.”

In many applications, preference elicitation plays a pivotal role. The objective is to accurately capture user preferences, enabling decisions that align with their values and fulfill their needs.

Stakeholder preference elicitation focuses on capturing the value preferences of stakeholders, specifically regarding the measures used to evaluate decision choices and make tradeoffs.

Did I capture valid preferences?

Valid preferences are captured through an elicitation method carefully chosen for the task. It is essential to select an appropriate elicitation method that helps stakeholders understand the measures involved and provide accurate responses. Different stakeholders may respond differently to the same method based on their cognitive abilities and personal style. Thus, the key to capturing valid preferences lies in selecting the right combination of stakeholder, measure, and elicitation method during the preference elicitation process.

By asking the right questions and employing effective elicitation methods, we can help stakeholders articulate their genuine concerns and values, leading to a more accurate representation of their preferences.

DAO Stakeholder Preference Elicitor

Eliciting stakeholder preferences requires careful consideration of various approaches, including the elicitation method itself and how it is deployed. Furthermore, the approach can be uniform for all stakeholders or adapted based on the specific measure and the stakeholder's comfort level in expressing their responses.

The DAO Stakeholder Preference Elicitor is a process-driven, intelligent, and adaptive software application. It collaborates closely with the decision analysis project team to meticulously plan, launch, and monitor all stakeholder preference elicitation activities within a decision-making project. By leveraging its capabilities, you can ensure a systematic and effective elicitation process tailored to each stakeholder's needs and preferences.

Salient features of DAO Stakeholder Preference Elicitor include:

  • Development and management of Elicitation Strategy

  • Development and management of the Elicitation Plan

  • Support for a multiplicity of elicitation methods

  • Aggregation of elicitations from multiple stakeholders

  • Interactive and easy-to-use widgets for elicitation.

With the DAO Stakeholder Preference Elicitor as your trusted companion, you can make decisions with utmost confidence, knowing that they are aligned with the values and needs of your stakeholders. By harnessing the power of this intelligent tool, you can ensure that stakeholder preferences are accurately captured and utilized to guide your decision-making process, leading to outcomes that resonate with their priorities and aspirations.


Outcome Risk Modeling


Trade Space Exploration